Who We Are

A little bit about us

We’re Jeff & Claire. We are two adventurous souls that are doing the crazy balancing act of juggling established careers, raising kids, and transitioning to a life aboard a sailboat.

We met in early 2020, right before the Covid pandemic hit, and spent the next year hunkered down with our three kids and a dog in a 1300 sq ft, two bedroom apartment. If there was ever a time to see if we liked each other, it was then, while also offering valuable preparation for living and working in tight quarters!

Shortly after we met, our lives went on a complete upwards trajectory towards any goal we collectively set out minds to achieving. Together we achieved what many consider the pinnacle of the "dream life" -- we bought a brand new house, had two cars, a golf cart, had healthy & happy kids, and had great jobs. We quickly realized it wasn't for us. Over the past few years we have stayed in lockstep with each other and reached a point where we were willing to take our biggest leap of faith together by flipping the script and doing life our way. You can read more about our journey here.

Jeff Charette

About Jeff

Captain, Mechanic, Engineer, Electrician, Navigator

Bio coming soon... once Jeff leaves the helm!

Claire de Jong

About Claire

First Mate, Chef

My childhood summers were spent on the beaches of Australia and no matter where I am in the world... being on or by the ocean is where I feel the most at home. Boat life feels like I am finally getting back to my roots!